Cloth Diapers
I hardly know where to start! I started Cloth diapering K-Bug after she was born in October 2010 ( about the time that Mama Clementine disappeared from the Internet ;) Running a household with 4 children , one being a high-needs baby while moving to an Island in the Pacific doesn't leave much time to muse on the Blog, Especially if that One has found a New Passion!Beach Bums OS pocket Diaper |
Cloth Diapers ! Which I am Now Hand-Making at Beach Bums Cloth Diapers which are Made in Hawaii with Aloha!
First off these Diapers aren't the old leaky, rash inducing, stab your baby with a safety-pin while wrestling them into a diaper, kind of Cloth Diaper. ( Though those Diapers are still available and make for an extremely Economical way of Diapering a baby, they are the same Flat Diapers orPre-Fold, But rarely are pins used any more but, a wonderful device called a Snappi.
No, Cloth Diapers are Super Cute and Stylish! They are Water-proof , nearly Leak-proof ( after Diapering 4 babies I can personally vouch that in the leak department cloth Wins hands-down and to this day I have only ever had One Blow out in cloth , whereas with disposable it was all too common! ) , and simple enough that my 9 yr-old can easily change a diaper if she has too.
Beach Bum Lg. Pocket Diaper |
(1) Super Economical:
think about the Average cost of Cloth Diapering a Baby From Birth-to-Potty-training Averages about $350! Just compare that to the $2,400.oo that is the Average of Disposable Diapering!
(2) Good for the Environment :
The one-time cost of matufacturing of say about 40 Cloth diapers made of mostly Cottons, Bamboo, Hemp and Fleece have a very low environmental impact when compared against the Manufacture of the 4,000 Diapers Disposable Diapers, which are made of Mostly Petroleum Products and other Unknown Ingredients that manufacturers Won"t disclose or toxic ingredients , needed to Diaper a baby.
Some of the Ecological Un-Soundness of Disposables :
"Disposable diapers make up at least 15% of municipal solid waste after recyclables and yard waste are removed."
"They represent the 3rd largest single item (after newspapers and beverage and food containers) in the municipal solid waste stream."
"It takes 440 to 880 pounds of fluff pulp and 286 pounds of plastic (including packaging) per year to supply one baby with disposable diapers." ( and Plastic is Just another word for Petroleum Product)
"Single-use diapers use 37% more water than home laundered or diapers service laundered re-usables."
Disposables appear to produce less sewage because in them, human waste goes to the dump.
(This practice violates World Health Organization guide-lines and is technically illegal in both the U.S. and Canada )
Another consideration is that the wastewater from washing cloth diapers is relatively benign,while the wastewater from pulp, paper and plastics contain "solvents, sludge, heavy metals, unreacted polymers, dioxins and furans.
The potential environmental impacts of the disposal of these materials are considerable".
* Looking for a Wealth of Facts on Cloth vs. Disposable Diapers? Check out : The Real Diaper assocation
(3) Healthier For Baby:
Less Diaper Rash! While Diaper rash is common with Disposables (71%)
Only (5%) of Babies Diapered In Cloth will have Rashes :)
No Chemicals, No Toxic Ingredients, sitting next to Babies skin, our bodies largest organ.
Bug in a Christmas Ooga-Booga Beach Bum Pocket |
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