It is the time for "Peeps"
So, she now has six new "Bitties", one of which I am sure is a rooster. We have nicknamed him "Preacher", for his need to climb atop the feeder and peep loudly at his flock.
"Preacher" |
We worried about what reaction the older hens would have to the little-chicks, that they might trample, peck, or otherwise harm them; But, they were afraid and ran from them. I guess that's what makes them "chickens".
Buff Orpington (left) |
Barred-Rock-cross |
Black Australorp |
A "good" layer will lay an egg every 26th hour ( a hour later each day) until her laying time runs into the dark hours. She will then take the night off and start again in the morning light. Hens will also announce they are laying or have laid with an individual "Cackle Song", that won't take long to recognize. Hens will lay steadily for five to ten years or more, then they are ready for the stew pot.
Chickens make wonderful companions and pets, and there is no better way to get Organic free range eggs and meat.
Organic home layed eggs surround a grade A store egg Bottom left corner is double yoked |